ian tattersfield a01194059
Diseases in the XIX Century
There were many health problems back in the times
of industrialization. There were many casualties, due
to diseases, excessive working, operating new
machinery, but in this article i will only write about
3 different diseases that killed many people during
the industrial revolution.
Tuberculosis: The disease caused a wasting of the
body with the lungs being assailed. The lungs
endeavor to bulwark themselves by engendering
what are called tubercles. The disease causes these
tubercles to become yellow and spongy and
coughing fits causes them to be expectorated out by
the sufferer.
TB affected those who had been poorly
fed and were under nourished. It withal affected
those who lived in dirty and damp homes.
TB can be spread by a person inhaling the exhaled
sputum of someone who already has the disease.
In the overcrowded tenements of the industrial
cities, one infected person could spread the disease
very facilely.
Cholera -Cholera became famous in the public
because of how it killed people, this is because,
people started to live around the rivers because
communities around rivers tended to urbanize