E Health Magasine May 2014 | Page 11

Alberto Paredes Weight: 60kg= 132pnds Height: 1.70m= 66.9inch BMR x 1.375 =1629.1 x 1.375 =2240.01 Mon Breackfast Cereal, juice Lunch Chicken, rice, vegetables Tue Eggs, and juice Meat and spaghetti, vegetables Dinner Quesadillas hotdog Sandwitch Wed Molletes, juice LasaƱa, soup Thur Omelet, juice Echiladas suizas, rice, vegetables Fruits Fri Cereal, juice Meat Fillet, vegetables Sat Bread/jamor butter Fish, rice, vegetables Sun Mollete, juice Chicken, vegetables Sandwitch Eggs Molletes In each day there are approx. 2,300 calories, this is a healthy diet to maintain the weight, this diet must include good ingredients. Each portion of food is normal portion. RODOLFO weight in pounds:127.6 height:1.62 BMR: 1,332.93 My Healthy menus is this: Breakfast: Some eggs with sausage or with something else, a bar or something light. A cereal with some banana in there. Some fruit Have a little but healty snack at 12 Lunch: Eat what is in your house, it can be fish, meat, chicken or something else, try not to it franc fries Have a small snack in the afternoon, it can be an apple. Dinner: Have some Salmon or Tuna, a sandwich. It can be another things but healthy Between the lunch and the dinner do some exercise For me having a menu is not the best things. What I do is that I do exercise and I eat very much, but I do not eat french fries, cookies or other things with too much calories. I like a lot the fruit.