E-book Mobile APP in Education BOOK APPS ERASMUS | Page 7

There´s also a project “Fit Class” in EBSO, the more physical extra-curricular activities they attend, the greater number of points they have, it’s a rewarding system. Then, they are invited to spend a day outside, practising different physical activities. Last year they spent a day at the River Beach: Agroal, as a reward. EBSO cares about our surroundings and the environment. That’s why students have been performing a diversity of interesting Green activities. We took part in the National Day of the Green Flag on the 4th of October 2018 and EBSO won the Eco-Schools flag. The European Blue Flag Association decides if our activities are relevant enough to keep on raising the Green Flag. During “Cultural Journeys” – 2 different days- students have no traditional lessons and the school opens doors to students from other schools nearby and to all the school community to show a set of different activities. experiences There in are the Chemical laboratory or funny activities in the ICT classrooms... https://drive.google.com/file/d/1aEPO1hjpSn7gnGaDuT9rt3xEET3fTLNV/view?usp=sharing 6 MOBILE APPS in EDUCATION