E-book Mobile APP in Education BOOK APPS ERASMUS | Page 4
Needless to say, the use of mobile learning applications has grown immensely over the last
few years. In fact, nowadays, teachers are encouraging children to use mobile learning apps.
This clearly suggests apps have made their way to education.
Since the topic of the project is “Erasmus + Mobile Apps in Education”, each partner
developed/studied different educational apps in their own school. That’s why this book is
divided into four chapters:
The first chapter describes the different schools involved in the project.
The second chapter is about the variety of apps studied and activities done in the
different schools and countries. It is also about a description of the schools involved in the
project. “Play, learn and have fun” was the main topic of all the workshops attended by
the students who took part in this project EBSO, the only secondary school in Ourém –
. Teachers also had APPs, a thematic workshop and partnership formation:
“Gamefication” with Instituto Politécnico de Tomar, the ICT Formation Centre by Célio
Lecture on the 12 steps to create and release a Mobile App was studied in Istituto Di
Istruzione Superiore “E. FERMI” Vittoria – ITALY
. SOCRATIVE was the mobile app used
in Ave Maria Vistillas, a Boarding school in Granada – SPAIN
. Students used this tool
and asked some questions to check what they know about the other Erasmus’
The last mobility was in Scoala Gimnaziala "Radu cel Mare" – ROMANIA
. The students
learnt about Story jumper and created a digital book with the title: “Being European, a
Journey through Europe".
The third chapter contains the works/activities done by students.
The four chapter deals with the impact of this unforgettable experience on the teachers’
way of teaching and working.
The COORDINATOR of this project is Ruzgarlibahce Secondary School in Istanbul – TURKEY
and they didn’t receive any student.