E-BOOK: Migration Biographies - Europe on the move December 2020 | Page 38

Programme Erasmus + Europe on the move : Migration Biographies
As this statistic shows , the peak in the number of asylum applications in Germany in 2016 was 722,400 , more than three times as many as in the following year . 86
Due to the increasing number of asylum seekers , there was also an increase in racial related attacks . Especially in east Germany , the percentage of over-aggravated attacks is significantly higher than in west Germany , where 83 % of the German population lives , 53 % of racist and anti-Semitic attacks occurred in west Germany . 17 % of the German population lives in east Germany , here 47 % of racist and anti-Semitic attacks were recorded . 87
A total of 1,029 right-wing extremist motivated acts were reported in 2014 , including attacks on political dissenters , anti-Semitic acts of violence and attacks with a homophobic background . 767 cases were reported in which people were physically injured by right-wing extremist attack . In the first half of 2015 alone , 202 attacks on asylum seekers or their accommodation were also reported . 88
Why the right-wing extremists ’ attacks in eastern Germany in particular have been more frequent cannot be precisely explained , but it is nevertheless suspected that this is due to increased unemployment and a feeling of hopelessness . 89
Racism in Germany is not directed against different “ races ” but against foreign cultures . Especially Islam , which is very different from Christian Germany , has suffered the most . According to federal government statistics , 200 crimes against mosques were committed between 2001 and 2011 . 90 Although Germany is now an immigration country , German society does not see itself as an immigration society , there are still many prejudices which still have negative effects on integration . 91
. Xenophobia : comparison between France and Germany
After the Second World War there were waves of immigrants in both countries . In Germany mainly by the influx of refugees and displaced persons and later by guest workers . In France , there was an increase in the recruitment of workers from the colonies during the same period . Foreign workers were never really welcome in either country . They were objects of economic and population policy planning as well as targets of ethnic and racist degradation in both countries . France reacted to steadily rising tensions in the country as early as 1972 with the “ Racial Discrimination Act ”. In 2006 , Germany attempted to control the situation through the “ General
86 Stalinski , Sandra : Erstmals mehr als 70 Millionen auf der https :// www . tagesschau . de / ausland / fluechtlingszahlen-unhcr-101 . html ( Last viewed : 14.10.2019 )
87 Reimann , Anna : Ist der Osten fremdenfeindlicher als der Westen ? https :// www . spiegel . de / politik / deutschland / ost-west-streit-faktencheck-zu-rassismus-a-
1050637 . html ( Last viewed : 14.10.2019 )
88 Reimann , Anna : Ist der Osten fremdenfeindlicher als der Westen ? https :// www . spiegel . de / politik / deutschland / ost-west-streit-faktencheck-zu-rassismus-a-
1050637 . html ( Last viewed : 14.10.2019 )
89 Reimann , Anna : Ist der Osten fremdenfeindlicher als der Westen ? https :// www . spiegel . de / politik / deutschland / ost-west-streit-faktencheck-zu-rassismus-a-
1050637 . html ( Last viewed : 14.10.2019 )
90 Böhnke , Andrea : Rassismus in Deutschland https :// www . planet-wissen . de / geschichte / deutsche _ geschichte / rassismus _ deutschland / index . htm ( Last viewed :
14.10.2019 )
91 Dokumentationszentrum und Museum über die Migration in Deutschland e . V .: Migrations-geschichte in Deutschland https :// www . domid . org / angebot / aufsaetze / essaymigrationsgeschichte-in-deutschland / ( Last viewed : 25.10.2019 )
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