WORDS : Morphology , Semantics and Syntax
The study of words — how they ' re formed , combined and understood , is the focus of this workshop .
Ÿ Recognize the most common pre�xes , roots , suf�xes , and combining forms in English content words , and analyze words at both the syllable and morpheme levels .
Ÿ Recognize advanced morphemes .
Ÿ Match or identify examples of word associations , antonyms , synonyms , multiple meanings and uses , semantic overlap , and semantic feature analysis .
Ÿ Construct and deconstruct simple , complex , and compound sentences .
Ÿ Identify the basic parts of speech and classify words by their grammatical role in a sentence .
Ÿ Identify advanced grammatical concepts .
For a complete list of outcomes and standards for this workshop , click here .