Dyslexia May 2013 | Page 9


Within the United Kingdom, The education department has been slow to adapt to dyslexia as a specific learning disability and it was not until 1988 that people affected with dyslexia were given support within the classroom i.e. awarded extra time for GCSE examinations. However even then this intervention was given when a person clearly showed signs of failing, even today many dyslexic students are leaving compulsory education without being assessed or assisted.

The Dyslexia Early Screening Test (DEST) was introduced in the early 1990s and was used to identify children who may be dyslexic and allowed those children with dyslexia to be given additional support with reading and writing. As dyslexia is now a specific learning disability, The National Literacy Strategy provides guidance to all primary schools, on staff dyslexia training and phonological screening (DCSF 2008)

Teachers are encouraged to help dyslexic students to recognise their own learning style in order to assist effective learning. Hamblin (1981:21) suggests that encouragement to students to adopt a learning style which is meaningful and productive and states that ‘to try to impose learning style is the pedagogic equivalent of imposing a false self upon someone – an act which is inevitably as destructive in the long run.’


The Equality Act 2010 gives people with disabilities including learning disabilities such as dyslexia to be protected by workplace discrimination. The Equality Act 2010 applies to many employment areas such as: Recruitment and Selection, promotion, training and development and redundancy. It is the responsible of the employer to make reasonable adjustments do that employees protected by The Equality Act are not substantially disadvantaged.

Although not required by law, it is good practice for employers to have an Equality Policy which sets out the organisation’s commitment to equality and includes a plan of action, the names of staff with specific responsibility for equality issues and any practical measures such as the delivery of equality training.

(Bartlett & Moody, 2000; Reid & Kirk, 2001) argue that despite anti-discrimination policies and legislation, there still appears to be a lack of understanding in the workplace amongst both employers and employees of the ways which dyslexia can influence performance.

(Bartlett & Moody, 2000; Reid & Kirk, 2001) also suggest that due to this lack of knowledge, many employers either view the condition of dyslexia as a reading and writing disorder or deny its existence at all. (McLaughlin et al 2004) states that dyslexia is perceived in a negative light and stigma reported to be a common problem.

Research from Business Link concluded that the majority of dyslexic applicants choose to conceal their dyslexia when applying for employment, reasons for this were fears of employment discrimination, reduced job security and concerns for future opportunities.