The Dyslexic Entrepreneur
19% of all UK entrepreneurs are dyslexic and 30% in the USA, Logan (2009) discovered Logan (2009) that only 3% of corporate managers in the UK are dyslexic, and a mere 1% in the US. She proposes that the explanation is that because dyslexics are more comfortable managing a situation in which they feel they have a degree of control over their situation and this leads to a preference for starting new ventures.
There is evidence to suggest that many dyslexic people have enhanced right-hemisphere skills (Geschwind, 1982; Galaburda, 1993; West, 1992; West, 1997; Reid & Kirk, 2001). The work of these authors indicates that tasks or activities associated with the right-hand side of the brain will be easier for dyslexic people to accomplish. Such tasks are thought to include: the use of intuition, visual thinking, spatial intelligence, pattern recognition, problem solving and connected forms of creativity. Reid and Kirk (2001) believe that these right-brained skills are critical in a number of business activities. Examples could include recruitment, decision-making and innovation. Moody 4(1999) asserts that because dyslexics tend to process information holistically they can be extremely creative and innovative within the work place.