Dyslexia May 2013 | Page 2

With Thanks

I am grateful for the support I have received from many whilst I undertook this research project. In particular to my family, tutors and friends who have provided encouragement and inspiration.

I am indebted to Blackpool and the Fylde College who have shared the aims of this study by offering support, openness and access to data.

A special thank you goes to Bill Rogers, a good friend for his continued support and interest and taking the time to critique this project and initiate discuss of the issues I have raised

A particular thank you to my university tutor, Karen Black for always being on hand and for encouraging me to reflect and extend my original thoughts in order to raise the level of this project.

Finally, my special thanks go to the participants of this research project, without the input of these participants there would be no project at all; to the respondents of the questionnaires and to the participants of the interview. I was enriched and deeply moved by their openness and their personal accounts of their experience with dyslexia.