DynaNail® TTC Fusion System - Instructions For Use | MedShape DynaNail® TTC Fusion System - Instructions For Us | Page 8
If any of the components are damaged during aZempted placement, addi@onal sterile
components of the same size should be available.
Alternate fixa@on methods should also be available for use in the event that the
DynaNail TTC Fusion System cannot be successfully implanted.
Handling of the DynaNail Deployment Frame and the Ancillary Surgical
Instruments must be performed in accordance with asep@c handling prac@ces
to maintain sterility following steriliza@on by the healthcare facility.
Ancillary Surgical Instruments are required to complete the implant procedure and
to remove the DynaNail TTC Fusion Nail, DynaNail End Cap, and/or DynaNail
Screws following implanta@on, if required.
Intraopera@ve fluoroscopy (C-Arm) should be available and u@lized as required
to confirm correct posi@oning of implantable DynaNail TTC Fusion System
General Technique:
1. Insert the DynaNail Implant into a pre-drilled plantar hole through the
calcaneus, talus and into the medullary canal of the @bia.
2. With the numbered Compression Wheel set to “0”, fully stretch the
Compressive Element by pulling down on the lever. Use the Compression
Wheel to dial-in the desired amount of compression (1-6), depending upon
surgeon preference. Once compression has been set, release the lever back
3. Using the Posterior-Anterior Targe@ng Arm with the Deployment Frame 1 , drill
a posterior-to-anterior hole into the calcaneus through the distal calcaneal
hole in the DynaNail Implant and insert a 5mm Headless PA Screw.
4. Drill a lateral-to-medial hole into the calcaneus through the proximal calcaneal
hole in across the DynaNail implant and insert a 5mm Headed Cor@cal Screw 1 .
5. Place a temporary compression drill through the distal @bial oblong slot in
the DynaNail Implant 1 .
6. Turn the Manual Compression Knob on the Deployment Frame to apply
external manual compression.
7. Drill a hole in at least one of the proximal @bial holes across the DynaNail
Implant and insert a 5mm Headed Cor@cal Screw 1 .
8. Remove the temporary compression drill and insert a 5mm Cor@cal Headed