DynaNail® TTC Fusion System - Instructions For Use | MedShape DynaNail® TTC Fusion System - Instructions For Us | Page 10
The DynaNail Deployment Frame and each Ancillary Surgical instrument must be
cleaned in accordance with appropriate healthcare facility procedures prior to
Instruments should be cleaned as soon as reasonably prac@cal aTer use, according to
the health care facility’s infec@on control and hazardous waste management
procedures. Ideally, all components should be cleaned within 30 minutes, and aTer
no more than 4 hours, of use to minimize the poten@al for saline, blood, body fluids,
@ssue, bone fragments or other organic debris to dry on the instrument prior to
cleaning. Keep instruments moist aTer use to prevent soil from drying on them.
The DynaNail Deployment Frame and the Ancillary Surgical Instruments should be
fully disassembled into component parts prior to cleaning. Refer to the Instrument
Tray and/or illustra@on in MedShape’s Surgical Technique Guide for the completely
disassembled components. No reassembly is necessary as the instruments remain in
their fully disassembled form during cleaning and steriliza@on. Note: If you have
ques@ons concerning the disassembly of the instruments, contact the MedShape
Customer Service or your local MedShape sales representa@ve.
Do not rely upon automated cleaning using a washer/disinfector alone as this may not
be effec@ve for devices and instruments with cannula@ons, blind holes, mated
surfaces and other complex features. A thorough manual or combina@on manual/
automated cleaning process is required.
For manual washing, MedShape recommends using cold demineralized or dis@lled
water along with a neutral pH (7-8.5) enzyma@c detergent. Follow the manufacturer’s
instruc@ons for mixing, preparing, and using such detergents. Manual cleaning should
be done while the instrument is immersed. All instruments should be thoroughly
cleaned. Refer to Table A for manual cleaning steps.
Cannulated por@ons should be cleaned with a soT-bristled nylon brush, pipe cleaner,
or appropriately sized guidewire. In the case of very small dimension cannula@ons, a
wire can be used to ensure that foreign material has been removed from the
cannula@on. Visually inspect all instruments to ensure that all blood, saline, and
traces of @ssue are removed and instruments are “visibly clean.”
Refer to Table A for further cleaning instruc@ons.