Cultural diversity enhances
the educational experience.
There is a richness that
comes from students
working side by side with
others who are not of the
same culture.
Students who attend
schools with a diverse
population can develop
an understanding of the
perspectives of children
from different backgrounds
They can also learn to
function in a multicultural,
mu ltiethnic environment.
Diversity in education is
a growing trend. that is
beneficial for students
and society as a whole.
According to Census
Bureau projections, by
the year 2100 the U.S.
population of nonHispanic whites will
become the minority,
making up only 40% of the
U.S. population. No doubt,
students will need to learn
how to interact in a diverse
environment. As public
schools become more
diverse, demands increase
to find the most effective
ways to help all students
succeed academically as
well as socially.
Making instruction
“culturally responsive” while
not showing favoritism to
one group or another is a
continuing challenge for
teachers.. A 2007 study
by Public Agenda and the
National Comprehensive
Center for Teacher Quality
revealed that 76% of
new teachers reported
they received training to
President’s Perspective
Knowledge is Power
Knowledge is Our Most Important Resource
Aldrica Latimore
students develop the practice of critical
thinking, challenging their own views
against others. It is also the setting for
discovering that diversity creates an
environment where, together, everyone
achieves more in the interest of
unification within diversity.
Equality in the Value of Individuals
There is a richness that comes from
students working side by side with
others who are not of the same culture.
Students who attend schools with a
diverse population can develop an
understanding of the perspectives of
children from different backgrounds. In
addition, they can learn to function in a
Aldrica Latimore teach an ethnically diverse
multicultural, multiethnic environment.
student body. However,
Schools should strive to create an
fewer than 40% say their
environment where all children feel
training has been helpful in dealing with the
valued and all children can learn.
specific challenges they face. Even though
Diversity has become the basis of
there appears to be something lacking in this
enhancing the learning experience
area of their training, educational leadership
for many students as it represents
must set the tone by having a policy of “no
the difference between individuals
and groups. Diversity represents the
uniqueness of individuals based on
Diversity Requires a Proactive Approach
a variety of other factors. A lack of
diversity in an academic environment
Schools must take a proactive approach,
can create ethnocentricity, which
creating a positive environment where
is the idea that one’s own ethnic
students and teachers are respectful of different
group is superior to that of others.
backgrounds. Chancellors, Principals and others
Without diversity, we have a learning
in leadership roles must create an environment
environment segregated by race,
where people respect the opinions of others
wealth, disabling conditions and
and are open to multiple perspectives on any
language barriers. Diversity in an
issue. This should be modeled for students
educational setting instills respect
and in relations with faculty and staff. Mutual
among cultures, challenges student’s
respect is a big part of the equation. The federal
abilities, and bridges the gap of
No Child Left Behind Act highlights gaps in
disagreement among cultures based
achievement among diverse groups of students
on a lack of experiential knowledge and
in the U.S. The Act has put pressure on schools
to see that all students succeed, regardless
of their ethnic or language background.
Accountability is provided by requiring schools
to meet state “adequate yearly progress”
(AYP) goals for their student populations as
a whole, as well as for specified subgroups
that include students with disabilities, limited
English language skills, students from lower
economic backgrounds and the major racial
groups. School leaders must implement a
broad range of strategies to improve teaching
and learning, rather than instituting quick
fixes to address these achievement gaps. The
classroom represents the setting in which