I was swamped with memories of all the times and experiences we had together . In many ways GD was quite unique and had the ability to think differently from most others . Garry had three major loves in his life . FAMILY FRIENDS BUSINESS As a friend he was outstandingly loyal and generous and always ready to entertain over lunch . My introduction to Garry was my first day in the Dealership . He walked in unannounced and offered us 2 tickets to Singapore for our Business . We settled on 4 trips to Japan , and still didn ’ t know what he was selling . An unusual beginning for what became a life long friendship . We shared an apartment where GD developed his cooking skills , becoming a Gourmet Sausage chef .
He entertained a lot with the staple diet of 25 varieties of sausage all individually labelled . I will never forget the many lunches with the Rat Pack at Maxims or the inevitable attempted Jet hire for a Sydney frolic . As a businessman we look back at his career with AWE . His achievements in such a short time are amazing . From Wynns , Autobarn , ADI , ERIC and throw in winning Bathurst . To have acquired one of these would have been significant But Garrys real passion and love was his family . He would do anything and give anything he was capable of to Lisa and his children . From education or support GD was there to help not only immediate but extended family . As a mate he will be sorley missed , however the Rat Pack will certainly be getting together Over a lunch at The Flower Drum to reminiss over the many memories Garry has left us with . I can assure you we will need a Big Day . THANKS GARRY !!! Tony White