Dublin Chamber Coupon Book CouponBook8-20-18 | Page 25
The Safe, Guaranteed Solution to Your Home Repair
and Maintenance Needs
Mr. Handyman is your one-call solution for a wide range of
home maintenance and repair needs. Our uniformed technicians
are fully insured professionals. We arrive on time in uniform and
a marked van with the tools to complete the job right.
Service must be over 2 hours, No expiration.
Mr. Handyman
of West Columbus
5491 Scioto Darby Rd., Ste. 2
Hilliard, OH 43026
$25 Off ANY
2-Hour Service
For more coupon deals visit DublinChamber.org/coupondeals
10% Off
Any Commercial Floor
Cleaning or Restoration
10 %
Your Work Place, Our Expertise. Our mission is to provide
the very best customer service and expertise for facility services
within your workplace. Headquartered in Columbus Ohio,
with a national footprint, we are one of the largest providers of
commercial floor services and facility maintenance cleaning. We
have environmental friendly technology, training, and resources to
service any customer large or small, local to national, all the while
providing a dedicated staff of experienced service professionals
to handle your every need. Expires July 1, 2019.
Legacy Maintenance
Services, LLC
2475 Scioto Harper Dr.
Columbus, OH 43204
614-473-8400 lmsoh.com
For more coupon deals visit DublinChamber.org/coupondeals