Dublin Chamber Coupon Book CouponBook8-20-18 | Page 24

15% OFF Your First Month of Training 15% off your first month of training at The Spot Athletics. Valid for new clients only.  Expires July 1, 2019 SAVE 15 % The Spot Athletics 6740 Holt Rd., Dublin, OH 43017 614-653-3140 TheSpotAthletics.com For more coupon deals visit DublinChamber.org/coupondeals Save $50 Off Your Move SAVE $ 50 With Moving Ahead Services Take $50 Off the cost of any move with Moving Ahead Services. Just print the gift card logo or mention the $50 digital gift card from the Dublin Chamber and turn it in to the crew at the end of your move. Limit one per customer. Not valid with any other discounts or offers, No cash value. Only applies to local and long distance moves with a two hour minimum. Not valid for packing supplies. Expires July 1, 2019. Moving Ahead Services 3883 Business Park Dr, Columbus, OH 43204 614-352-6444 movingaheadservices.com D-7 For more coupon deals visit DublinChamber.org/coupondeals