Congratulations to Sean Harrigan, our
winner of DTLA LIFE’s inaugural Where
am I? contest.
While many readers suggested numerous
Chinatown restaurants and bars, this
brass-toned Chinese Guardian Lion lamp
graces the bar of the Peking Tavern,
DTLA’s Chinese Gastro pub. Peking Tav-
ern is located in the basement of the Na-
tional City Tavern Building, 806 Spring
Street on the southeast corner of Spring
and 8th. Having guessed correctly, Sean
Harrigan has won his choice of a bottle of
house white or red wine to be enjoyed
with friends at the Peking Tavern. Owners
Andrew Wong and Andrew Chiu’s subter-
ranean watering hole celebrates authen-
tic Beijing street food, traditional Chinese
dishes in xiaochi or small bites form (think
Chinese “tapas”). The room is a fusion of
old and new, there is always a fun event
or promotion in the works. The staff is as
friendly as they come. Toast the Year of
the Horse with one of 18 taps or an inno-
vative cocktail created by mixologist Cari
Hah. If you are looking to expand your
culinary horizons without breaking the
bank, explore the Peking Tavern!
Downtown Los Angeles is full of intriguing
places. Every issue we will publish a pho-
to taken in DTLA over the past month.
Readers can e-mail their guess as to the
location of the image. A random drawing
from the correct answers will pick a sin-
gle winner who will receive a prize with an
approximate value of $30.00 and their
name printed in the following issue of
So Where am I?
Email your answer
with the subject Line:
Where am I?
to [email protected]