Drum: MAIL
Letters to
the Editor
What’s on your mind? If you’ve got
a comment on one of our stories or
about an important issue of the day,
mail, fax or email it to us: details below.
You’ll receive a complimentary six issue
subscription to Drum, if we print it!
Letter of the Month
Beyond Beyoncé
I’ve followed your progress with keen interest ever since
the very first edition of Drum landed on my desk in
pocket sized format. I was pleased when you increased
the size, even though I loved the A6 format and jealously
guard my copies. I got really excited on finding you in
WH Smiths with the latest ‘Beyonce’ issue. But that’s
just my issue - why Beyonce?
Don’t get me wrong, I like Miss Knowles (and your article).
But what I’ve liked most about Drum is its determination
to tread its own path, using unknown faces on its cover,
and great photography and writing within. Please, spare
us, don’t go down the ‘celebrity on the cover’ route like
every other magazine! There are many black, beautiful, talented men and women out there who can
‘sell’ magazines, beyond Beyonce, who surely doesn’t need the exposure. It just means working that
much harder to find them. Good luck!
Jason, London
“A wonderful
little jewel
with lots of
Family Drum
I gave Drum to my 16 year old first, and then my husband,
both found it to be very interesting. We liked the presentation
and the variety of articles in particular Herman Leonard. I
look forward to reading the remaining articles and.....yes
subscribing in the future. Keep up the good work!
Gloria, London