Another monumental moment for the studio occurred in the past month with the re-opening of Luke’s tuck shop. Inspired by the company wide rebrand, ‘Tuck it and See’ has now been renamed ‘Sunset Chewlevard’ and Will has also provided the new enterprise with a logo.
It makes the studio that little bit more unpredictable, with all the highs and lows of heavily fluctuating blood sugar levels, but as the Beatles wrote most of their stuff on LSD, we have our own, extremely legal equivalent.
With so many people wanting their sugar fix, Luke sometimes struggles to contend with the footfall in his shop. Which in turn causes mass riots and looting.
Next time you pass by, why not drop in and enter the wonderfull sugary world of Luke Evans.
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The studio brings together a strong team for the return of DRL Fantasy Football, with 3 of last season’s top 4 finishers in our ranks.
Whilst everybody is trying to fight for a starting place, there is a strong camaraderie between our squad and we will be doing our utmost to mount another challenge for the DRL Fantasy Football trophy.
Expect to see 3 or 4 of our team in the upper echelons of the league come May!