Good Driver
Support material 1.4
To be complete on the initial lesson and then to be reviewed at the end of stage 1, stage 2, stage 3 and stage 4 just prior to their driving test.
For the learner driver to consider and reflect on their view of what makes a good driver.
The aim of this exercise is two fold. The first is to help the learner to see how their view on what makes a good driver alters over the course of the learning to drive process. Secondly it lets the ADI see how the learner’s attitude changes as they become more involved in the learning process. The information can then be used by the instructor to alter the approach, to address any misconceptions that may be acting as a barrier to learning.
The reason it is reviewed it allows the learner to review and alter at regular intervals the concept of what makes a good driver. The answers must come from the learner and the instructor must not attempt to sway the answers offered by the learner.