Pass Plus what's happening.
On the BBC news on 27/07/13.
A representative from the Association of British Insurance (ABI) stated that they are intending to replace the current Pass Plus scheme with a new scheme operated by the Institute of Advanced Motorists (IAM)
This could be problematic as should the pupils be paying for the tuition which of course they will be they could find themselves breaching current legislation if they use non ADI’s.
The profession has been waiting for several years for the revamp of Pass Plus to come to fruition. DSA have promised numerous times that they were working on a new scheme with the insurance industry. Dates have been given and these are now long passed with no movement. Pass Plus board meetings cancelled when the government
changed, if we wait much longer we will be due another election.
IAM have been seeking away into the market of post test training with government approval this could be their way in.
With the DSA looking for an outside organisation to take over the qualification process, is this another income stream for IAM.
Dib-Unite will be watching to see if this develops or it was a case of just grabbing heading lines on the national radio.