to run richer, using more gas and
causing wear and tear if it goes on
too long. Having a coolant fluid
check will determine if it has the
right balance of water to coolant
ratio for higher freezing point
during the winter. When the
balance is off, the coolant might
freeze at a warmer temperature
putting you in jeopardy when
These wipers need replacing!
the thermostat dips. In the same
vein all other fluids like brake,
Top Windscreen Tip:
transmission, power steering and
Never use the wipers to clear washer fluids become more visfrost. It will damage the blades. cous and do not perform as well in
Invest in a scraper instead. cold weather and should be tested
and changed where necessary.
4. Battery- Charge!
Ever have the experience of being stuck in the cold too long and
you begin have trouble thinking straight? That’s because your
brains neurons are firing at a
slower pace. The same thing is
true for a battery, which is sim3. Cooling System- It’s a Fluid
ply a can of chemical reactions
producing electrons.
The colder it is, the
slower the production
of electrons and harder it is to fire the spark
plugs to get the pistons
moving in the engine.
According to Interstate
Batteries your vehicle’s
battery loses 33 percent of its power when
the temDespite the name, your coolperature dips being system has as much to do
low freezing, and
with warming up your car in
over 50 percent
the winter as it does cooling it in
of its power when
the summer. The quality of your
coolant fluid has a huge impact
falls below zero.
when starting your car in cold
Having a battery
weather. Until the car warms up,
load test done
the O2 sensor allows the vehicle
will determine how much firing
power you have to get the engine to turn over in cold weather.
5. Check drive belts, clamps and
A frayed timing belt can wreak havoc.
Much like your windshield
wipers which become brittle and
can crack in cold weather, belts,
clamps and hoses are made of rubber which is susceptible to damage
during winter weather. To add injury to insult, harsh road salt and
de-icing agents like calcium chloride can cause corrosion of belts
and hoses. Winter conditions are
harsh enough on your vehicle
and the last thing you need is for
a belt to snap when you need it
most. A hose that feels rock hard
or mushy is due for repla