Top 5
Things for Your Car
1. Tires it’s where the rubber The Penny Test for Tread Depth
meets the road.
Take a U.S. penny and place it
One of the most significant
signs that your tires need to be with Lincolns head facing you,
replaced is tread depth. Tread into the tread of your tire. As a
depth can be measured by a tool general rule if you can see the top
called a depth gauge, but there is of Lincoln’s head or the copper
an easy convenient way to get the above it, it’s time to replace the
same information.
tires. If the
his head
is partially
visible, start
and if you
cannot see
the hair on
L i nc ol n’s
your good
to go. You
The Penny Test
should check this in various spots
to ensure even tread depth. If it’s
not even, or is wearing out faster
than expected you may need an
alignment or suspension work.
2. Windshield and Rear WipersSeeing is believing
Safely navigating through sleet,
snow and traffic means being able
to judge what is around you and
seeing clearly in weather conditions is first and foremost .
An easy test to check if you
need to replace them is to simply start up your windshield fluid spray onto a dry windshield. If
there is any streaking, chattering
or catching- it’s time to replace
them before you’re hit with a big
splash of road slush.