Drive Retail - Programs Directions for Use | Page 10

New Mover Program

families moving into homes in your community are valuable new customers .

NO MINIMUM PRINT QUANTITIES on all our " Welcome to the Neighborhood " postcards .
UNIQUE PERSONALIZATION , with your city name and customer ' s last name engraved on key chain , breaks-through the clutter .
Jumbo-Sized " Welcome to the Neighborhood " Card PRODUCT ID : WX1
CUSTOMIZED PROMO OFFER on all our new mover postcards to drive store traffic .
Customer ' s last name engraved into key chain !
WHY EXECUTE A NEW MOVER PROGRAM ? New movers are actively looking to build local relationships while settling into their new communities . Feeling at home is essential to these households ; they are spending more money procuring home goods , services , and utilities as well as other products , like jewelry , that they may have frequently purchased prior to moving . Since these customers haven ' t formed relationships yet with community retailers , their loyalties and trust haven ' t formed yet either - which provides you a unique opportunity to turn this group into regular customers before your competitors get to them . By targeting this fresh , new group of high-value prospects each and every month , our program can help you acquire new customers and grow your business to new heights .
1 . Under " Products " tab , select " Welcome to the Neighborhood " category , select design , and on Product Page click " Purchase a List " 2 . Fill-out Online Post Office information and click " I Agree " to go to our geo-targeting tool 3 . Click " Generate a targeted direct mail list " 4 . Click " Radius around an address " and enter your store address
5 . Underneath " Database Type " select " New Mover " and for " Search Field " select " Unique Addresses Only ", keep " Yes " for " Search Value ", then click +
6 . Click " Search Field " again and select " Number of Days Old ", enter " 30 " in " Search Value ", then click +
20 % According to the US Census Bureau , 17-20 % of the population moves each year .
Studies show that new movers are five times more likely to become loyal customers compared to a settled household .
$ 170 New movers spend more on average in their first six months than a typical consumer does in three years .
50 % New movers are 8-50 % more responsive to direct mailers compared to settled households .
72 New movers to your neighborhood typically develop 72 + new business relationships shortly after they move .
38-42 New movers are young and affluent by income group . A typical mover is 38-42 years old with an above average income .
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