and maintains a healthy diet
still there are chances of
showing dietary deficiency
as the bioavailability of these
minerals and vitamins may
differ from individual to
individual which makes these
supplements important. Also,
during pregnancy, women
have to meet the body
requirements of the fetus
growing within her along with
her own body requirements,
hence extra intake of
nutrients is a must which
usually can be obtained by
incorporating health drinks in
the diet. These health drinks
help in development of brain
and bone development of an
unborn baby. They contain
omega 3 which is most
essential for development of
the brain.
Health drinks are classified
under the category which
provides energy, nutrients
and curing effects to the
human. These health drinks
help in losing weight, regulate
body temperature, maintain
skin, help in digestion, cramps
reliving, cancer, detoxication
and very importantly a
good mood food. In India
major players are Cadbury
bournvita, Horlicks protein,
protinex and urban platter
soy milk powder. Also, a
growth in Ayurveda sector
can be seen where the
Ayurvedic key ingredient
plays a very important role
in maintaining the best health.
Companies like Dabur,
Hamdard, Biotique, Zandu,
Himalaya, and Emami are
predominating the market
with their various products.
Health drinks are very
popular among children.
Their market is very large and
growing. Children are usually
fussy eaters and thus do not
get proper nutrition, hence
resorting to health drinks is
necessary. They are highly
recommended for children
who are involved in sports and
physical activities. Presence
of additional proteins, and
nutrients such as vitamins,
calcium, and phosphorus are
very beneficial for healthy
bones. The correct age for
incorporating health drinks
into the diet of child is 6
months of age, which are
usually in form of electrolyte
water, the best example of
which is ORS water and milk.
Milk is the best example of
a natural health drink which
is rich in proteins, vitamins,
calcium and low amounts
of fat. It is an ideal source of
calcium and acts as a complete
food for infants. It can be
combined with various
energy powders such
as v nourish, complan,
pediasure etc. to fortify
it with various health
benefits. Soy milk is
another good source for
people who are lactose
intolerant. It mainly
helps in lowering of bad
cholesterol and reduces
the risk of cardiovascular
disorder. They are fortified
with calcium and vitamin D
and A. Certain juices available
in market which are 100
percent made of real fruits
are also a good source of
nutrients. To increase their
health benefits they can be
made without addition of
sugars. Green tea is also
an example which is rich
in flavonoid, polyphenols
and antioxidants. It helps to
prevent ageing, and in weight
loss process by increasing
Drink Asia
the metabolism. Lipton India
is the leading producers of
green tea. Aloe-vera juices
that are highly nutritious are
also available in the market.
They help in keeping the
body hydrated, maintain
healthy liver, and help in
curing various skin problems
such as acne; they also
prevent UV damage. They
are also found to give relief
from heartburn. Amla juice is
also highly recommended for
healthy hair and skin. It helps
in weight loss by increasing
the rate of metabolism,
controls diabetes, and as it is
a rich source of fibre it helps
in digestion. and minerals. For people
involved in vigorous exercise
it helps in rehydration of body
fluids which are lost during
the process of sweating.
They contain caffeine which
helps in activating the mind,
increasing concentration.
Energy drinks have various
proven health benefits such
as increasing the physical and
mental alertness, ascorbic
acid present in them helps in
absorbtion of iron thereby
preventing anemia. Red bull
is a major and most popular
energy drink in the market.
The market study has
shown youths as the major
consumers of these drinks.
Energy drinks are one of the
most common and popular
drinks among youth and
people involved in physical
exercise. They are enriched
with electrolytes, vitamins Various health drinks are also
available in the market for
aging adults which help in
filling the nutrition gaps found
in diet since as a person ages
the intake of food decreases.
Senior citizens require
a diet which is dense
in its nutrient level, and
that is rich in proteins,
calcium, vitamin D,
B12. Boost plus, and
Ensure, are some of
health drinks available in
powder form, which are
consumed with water or
milk thereby are easily
digested and absorbed by
the body.
drinks are
one of
the most
and popular
youth and
involved in
September-October 2019
Due to the various health
benefits shown by these
health drinks they should be
consumed regularly. Based on
one’s body needs, the type of
health drink consumed may
differ. Thus, the regular use
of health drinks can help
us in preventing various
deficiencies and health
problem and can help us
in leading an balanced and
healthy life.