Drifting through Cityscapes Drifting through Cityscapes MTL final copy | Page 93

Wandering Goricas, Mapping Twin Towns The process based in Nova Gorica began with an in- stormance* at the Pixxelpoint festival opening, when the micro-location got instantly photo-mapped, pub- lished and liked. (The instormer decided to present im- ages of the feet of all the visitors to the opening.) It continued the next day with an intensive open-air workshop that took the participants through both Gori- ca and Nova Gorica, setting them adrift on unplanned journeys through the urban landscape. Leaning on the Debordian method of dérive** and inspired by the situ- ationist DeriveApp***, the participants in small groups let themselves be drawn by the urban terrain and the interactions that develop along the way. * stormy informance with Instagram ** T  heory of the Derive by Guy Debord (1958) www.cddc.vt.edu/sionline/si/theory.html *** DeriveApp -- http://deriveapp.com