Drifting through Cityscapes Drifting through Cityscapes MTL final copy | Page 9
decided on in the planning phase of the course; it is
a demanding programme that requires an intensive
level of participation with a highly focused output.
The results are disseminated within each institution
(exhibitions or publications) and internationally via
an online publication (see the attached links) that
features the results of each of the working units as
well as any unique methodologies or practices that
are formulated within the block seminar. The student
evaluation of the seminar is based on the actual re-
sults (practical/art work, design contributions). We
have organised two block seminars since 2016 with
collaborating partners from Jan Matejko' Academy
of Fine Arts in Cracow, Faculty of Intermedia, Univer-
sity of Rijeka, Academy of Applied Arts, University of
Nova Gorica School of Arts, University of Arts in Bel-
grade, Faculty of Applied Arts and with the active
participation of altogether 50 Erasmus, CEEPUS and
local students. MTL teachers are responsible for the
general organisation of the Special Course with
each of the visiting teachers contributing their specif-
ic expertise: book publishing and design, web de-
sign, and knowledge working in collaborative prac-
tices. Using previous experiences the number of
participants is determined by a praxis based meth-
odology that maximises students/teacher interac-
tions and collaborations. The working days are deter-
mined based on previous history and what is
practical based on the academic schedules of stu-
dents and teachers from the participating schools.
Interactivity is a basic dimension of the course; each
stage of the course and the daily events are de-
signed to promote interactivity; students and teach-
ers work in small groups to facilitate communication;
the activities of the various working units are report-
ed back to the larger group. Drifting through City-
scapes #2 / revisiting 1968 The Fall 2018 course pro-
gramme for Mapping the Local was again organised