Drifting through Cityscapes Drifting through Cityscapes MTL final copy | Page 85
Our route was from Keleti Train Station to Astoria, our
path wasn’t an unconscious choice, those places
were chosen due to the symbolic meaning and the
feverous actions that happened in that general area
in the ‘56 revolution, that resulted on forcefully paci-
fying the Hungarian Nation. Although the route was
planned, we wandered in the path, the interactions
between us and the surroundings were sprout of the
moment, sometimes leading to planned situations in
order to capture the general attention. Other mo-
ments where more ‘natural’, a wander to the streets,
waiting until something symbolically important would
catch our need to action. During the action, four of
us were actually performing meanwhile another
component of the group was documenting the ac-
tion, trying not be seen by the pedestrians so that
everything would look more »natural«. To sum up we
can say this first attempt to develop the underlying
idea was good for the class project, however we
found it ineffective and sometimes misunderstood
by the public. The action/performance wasn’t suited
to a greater degree of interaction that would require
another strategy and a more direct message. Doing
the action in these terms it’s delegating it to the
realm of the praxis artis, where it can only be under-
stand by the art world perspective. The revolutionary
scope of the action was limited by our approach to
a small number of spectators that will see the action/
performance in the final documentation. Due to the
fact our purpose was to make people aware of the
general silence of the whole society and how we are
all caught up in this »fake revolutionary spirit«, we re-
alized that maybe we should change the approach
if we are going to do further interactions. We should
involve the public more in the action instead of con-
sidering them just spectators, making them also the
creators of the ‘narrative’, empowering them, in or-
der to make not just a personal discourse but a
multi-personal narrative that encompasses the vari-
ous society’s strata, and not just a small point of view.