Drifting through Cityscapes Drifting through Cityscapes MTL final copy | Page 64

the project and the result as a group was very sat- isfying. About the performance, I was not really comfortable with the idea of interacting with the people, but once we were there, the feedback was so positive and nutritive that we started believing in the essence of our idea. We were so much more confidents at the end, and we could notice of that in people’s reaction. Max: I experienced the whole process of realizing this piece as a very natural one. We met, we discussed, we brainstormed, several minds and thoughts came together and creat- ed the final piece. For me, it was good to work in a group, because group work is always about ne- gotiating between different minds, wishes and de- mands. So, it is from the very first beginning a very social type of working, what is interesting for me, especially nowadays. After we came up with the fi- nal result, we met to realise the physical objects. The situation on the street was firstly a little bit strange, because, a doing a social work is a lot about social skills and disposition to act in a new way. But after a while, everybody was into doing it, and it really felt good to see, strangers interacting with us. For me, I didn’t have any expectations about the out- come of this work, but finally it was astonishing and really amazing, how randomly asked persons on the street, while going out for shopping, or on the way to work could connect with our question and have a really good answer for the question: What is change for you/ What should be changed? It’s good to realize, that, out there, are persons like you, dealing with questions like that. Nuria: For me, the performance we did, at first was a little bit intrusive for the people, and the way we did it was going directly into the people asking for their opinion. But then, when the people start to give us a good feed- back about it, and wanting to participate, it was better. The changes the people want, was also a really interesting thing because sometimes, some of the changes was little things in their lives, but other ones were a big thing to change in the world. This is something also about how people imagine the change. Sagar: The final performance of our group was a result of several changes in the process. The idea itself began from the similarity that was visible in the photographs selected by each member, which was change. Hence, »CHANGE« became the work- ing theme for the group. But the word was still vague to be transformed into an art project and exhibited in a limited number of days. We started researching and exploring the topic individually to come up with a suitable idea for the project. Gradually, the ideas kept evolving and took a form of a public interven- tion. But being in a new country and doing a pub- lic intervention on the first few days of arrival was challenging and something that I was personally concerned about. There were thoughts about how the project might go forward and if we were going to receive a positive response from the public. But when we started the intervention and asked people to write down one thing that they would change if they could, the public response was phenomenal. A diverse range of ideas were collected at the end of the day, which included political, environmental, social, international concerns of the people. How- ever, we faced several people who didn’t want to participate and some even avoided talking. At the end of the project, the main thing that changed in me was the way I saw the people in Budapest. Drifting through the city, doing a public interven- tion, interacting with public and gathering different ideas of people gave me a new insight of looking at the people and the city. It provided an oppor- tunity to know what’s inside people’s mind, which broadened my knowledge and enhanced the ex- perience of Budapest.