DREAM BIG #2 August 2014 | Page 21

Grant School

Dumont, NJ

Grade Level: K-5 of children within the Afterschool program

Teacher: Mrs. Brown

Topic Explored; Electricity


1. Computer for a YouTube video: Energy 101:Electricity Generation

2. Lined paper for brainstorming.

3. Blank paper for pre-drawing artwork ideas.

4. Art supplies:

pencils, erasers, markers, crayons, paint, paintbrushes, lined paperwork, blank paper, glitter glue, rulers, water, cups, poster board


1. Students will learn what electricity is..

2. Students will learn where electricity comes from..

3. Students will learn who and/or what uses electricity..

4. Students will learn what the end

result of using electricity is..


1. All materials were placed on tables in preparation for the project.

2. The YouTube video was accessed and set to play.

3. Students were asked questions within the objective section.

4. Upon answering the questions and playing the video, students were given the chance to discuss what they had just learned and ask more questions.

5. After all students asked and answered all questions, they were given lined paper to brainstorm their ideas and get their groups together.

6. After brainstorming, students were given blank paper to sketch/draw their first drafts of their projects.

7. Once students met with me to determine what they were going to draw, students were given poster board paper to transfer their final drawing it.

*Since we are an Afterschool Program, this project took several days to complete! Some students took their artwork home since a few do not come to the program. Though most kids come to the program on a daily basis, most children used paint and glitter glue and so it took a while for many (if not all) projects to dry. *