Dr. Amit Gupta | Eye specialist in Delhi Can supplements improve eye health and vision-conv | Page 2
Vitamin C
The antioxidants that are present in vitamin C are efficient in avoiding damage that is
caused by free radicals as well as unstable molecules. Antioxidants are very helpful in
fighting against the free radicals that can cause damage to your vision. Vitamin C helps
to reduce the risk of cataract and also slows down the progress of cataract.
This is one of the popular supplements known for enhancing the night vision. It is an
antioxidant which is very helpful in preventing macular degeneration. Including bilberry
in your diet can be very helpful not only for your vision but also for your overall health.
Omega-3 fatty acids
Omega-3 fatty acids are highly essential for maintaining your vision health as well as
promote visual development. They also prevent dry eye ensuring a healthy tear film.
Fish oil is very good at keeping your eyes feeling moist. Therefore, the intake of omega-3
fatty acids protects your vision from inflammation.
Vitamin D
As per the research, it was revealed that during winter months in cold climates there is a
widespread of vitamin D deficiency. So it is very important to include vitamin D in your
diet especially during the winter season so that you can lower the risk of macular
It is mainly found in vegetables as well as fruits. This is one of the supplements which
help your body to absorb vitamin C in order to ensure higher antioxidant efficiency.
Vitamins B6, B9 and B12
Including vitamin B in your diet is known to improve and promote your vision health,
especially vitamin B6, B9 and B12. It works in your body by reducing the risk of
developing AMD as it effectively lowers your homocysteine levels.
If you wish to maintain the health of your vision for life long then including vitamin B1 is
very important in your diet. When this vitamin B1 is taken along with other vitamins
then it becomes very helpful in reducing the risk of developing cataracts.
Doctors also claim that thiamine is efficient in treating uveitis which is one of the
inflammatory conditions that can also lead to blindness.