to carry out. Yet I keep them, because, in spite of
everything, I still believe that people are really good
at heart.”
“I feel wicked sleeping in a warm bed, while my
dearest friends have been knocked down or have
fallen into a gutter somewhere out in the cold
night. I get frightened when I think of close friends
who have now been delivered into the hands of the
cruelest brutes that walk the earth. And all because
they are Jews!”
“There’s only one rule you need to remember: laugh
at everything and forget everybody else! It sounds
egotistical, but it’s actually the only cure for those
suffering from self-pity.”
“As long as this exists, this sunshine and this
cloudless sky, and as long as I can enjoy it, how can I
be sad?”
Great leaders have spoken on the diary because
great leaders recognise other great leaders.
knew what she wanted; she wanted significance.
She had no desire to live her life in vain or pass
through life without fulfilling her purpose. She
went after what she wanted, wrote daily in her
diary and continued to write even when death
was knocking on the door. Today the world
celebrates her.
9. Great women know that they can turn their
passion to profit. Anne loved to write, and she
took it seriously confident that one day, she
would become a published author. She may not
have known how it would happen, but to her,
writing was not a hobby or something to pass the
time. She was intentional about writing.
10. Great women do not let fear stop them. In the
face of death, Anne continued to write. Some
other woman would have been too paralysed
by fear of death to do anything meaningful with
what time they had left, but not Anne. She made
good use of every day she was given. She pushed
fear aside and made each day count.
11. Great women are not quick to change their minds
or give up their ideals just because things are
contrary. Anne wrote that she had not given up
all her ideals and still believed that people were
good at heart despite all the evil the Jews were
12. Great women are an inspiration to other women.
Their story gives hope and sends across a
simple but powerful message, one that says, if
I can so can you. Even in death, Anne Frank is
remembered and continues to inspire many
women by her courage displayed in the face of
What are you doing today with your time? Will it
outlive you? If you died today, what would you be
remembered for? And is it something for which
you would like to be remembered?
Great women are full of hope. Even when
conditions are not favourable, they stay positive
and hopeful that things will change for the better.
Anne was certainly full of hope for a better world.
Great women reflect on their life, circumstances,
and happenings around them. They try to
understand the what and why of almost
everything. This helps them to take a stand for
or against, and it helps them to introduce change
where necessary. Anne stated that people would
be better if they made it a habit to reflect on the
events of their day daily.
Great women think of others. They are selfless
in thoughts and deed. While Anne was safe and
sleeping in a warm bed, she always thought of
others who were not so fortunate.
Great women make the best of every situation
in which they find themselves. Anne did not
whine or complain; instead, she wrote. She did
not know at the time that what she wrote would
make her an author posthumous.
Great women understand that there is no
perfect time to start. Therefore, they do not
procrastinate. Anne did not wait for an ideal time
to become a writer. If she had, she never would
have been a writer.
Great women are aware of the power of habits.
And many are indeed creatures of habit. Anne
formed a habit of writing in her diary. That
habit ensured she had a manuscript ready
for publication when she died. It made her a
celebrated writer in death.
Great women invest their time in projects
which continue to speak long after their death.
Consequently, the works of a great woman will
always outlive her.
Great women know what they want, and they go
after what they want without much ado. Anne
DOZ Magazine | August 2019