Downeast Maine NHA_Feasibility Study 2022 | Page 9


Downeast Maine National Heritage Area

The initiative to seek designation as a National Heritage Area began with local farmers who sought to save the wild blueberry industry . The conversation evolved to reveal a collective regional passion to preserve the landscapes and culture that define Downeast Maine .
What is a National Heritage Area ?
A National Heritage Area is a place where the historic relationship between people and landscape has contributed significantly to the cultural and natural heritage of the Nation . It is a place where that heritage story is intact on the landscape today and provides opportunities for community engagement and economic development
The underlying purpose of the NHA program is to support strong , healthy communities . The program provides tools to support community and economic development driven by a community ’ s unique assets and priorities . Goals for the NHA Program are to :
• Inspire long-term citizen engagement in stewarding heritage resources
• Build collaborations and thus capacity to achieve mutual goals
• Develop education programs and learning opportunities around local heritage
• Develop a sustainable tourism industry founded in local culture and outdoor heritage