Downeast Maine NHA_Feasibility Study 2022 | Page 10

NHA Designation is national recognition of an area ’ s unique cultural & natural heritage and contributions to the Nation ’ s collective heritage . The Federal designation is approved by Congress through legislation brought forward by state delegates .
The NHA program does bring financial benefits with designation . Up to $ 350,000 in federal funding is available annually to match local dollars and in-kind contributions 1:1 . Funds are provided by the Department of the Interior ; technical support is provided by the National Park Service . All program funds and projects are prioritized and managed by a collaboration of local heritage groups . This local management entity makes decisions about priority programs , projects , and funding for eligible heritage projects and programs within the NHA region .
NHA Designation does NOT mean that an area becomes a unit of the National Park Service or Federal Government and they are not operated or governed by NPS or Federal Government . NHAs involve no ownership of land , nor are they a tool to regulate land use or remove municipal or private jurisdiction . NHAs do not create new expenses for a community to bear .
IF a National Heritage Area designation is granted , the next step for communities is to create a region-wide NHA Management Plan , essentially a roadmap for developing and then promoting NHA infrastructure and programs . The NHA Management Plan is developed through an extensive public process . It outlines objectives and strategies that align with local and regional economic development goals . The local management entity then implements the NHA program according to the directives set forth by the public and planning team within the Management Plan .

The National Heritage Area Program

• Bring financial benefits with designation .
• Provide up to $ 350,000 in federal funding annually to match local dollars and in-kind contributions 1:1 . ( The local management entity makes decisions about priority programs , projects , and funding for projects and programs within the NHA region .)
• Mean that an area becomes a unit of the National Park Service or Federal Government .
• Involve ownership of land , nor are they a tool to regulate land use or remove municipal or private jurisdiction .
• Create new expenses for a community to bear .