The proposal is consistent with continued economic activity in the area .
A National Heritage Area designation in DownEast Acadia will support continued economic development that celebrates and supports the people who live , work , and play here . See Chapter 9 for details that back this statement .
The people of Downeast Maine are fiercely proud of their heritage . They are determined to strengthen the economy through industries that reflect long standing local values . They want quality education opportunities for all ages . They strive to retain vitality in village centers and facilitate social and cultural connections across communities .
Migrant Raker - Downeast Maine is famous for its lowbush wild blueberry , the official state fruit of Maine . The region is the singlelargest overall producer of blueberries in the United States . Overall , Maine ’ s wild blueberry industry includes 450 growers , and generates an estimated $ 250 million in annual economic impact . Multigenerational wild blueberry farms are common in Downeast Maine and have provided important seasonal income for local and migrant families for roughly 100 years . Photo by Sue Schmid .
through initiatives that matter locally .
Community members want to support each other and work together , especially across sectors typically seen as unconnected . They want to retain and attract residents while promoting and preserving valued local heritage . They want businesses to thrive , expand , innovate , and increase in number . They want children and families to connect with place and community and be aware of existing and new opportunities for themselves here in DownEast Maine .
The underlying purpose of the NHA program is to support strong , healthy communities . The program provides tools to support community and economic development driven by a community ’ s unique assets and priorities . It contributes resources to support heritage preservation
NHA Designation does NOT mean that an area becomes a unit of the National Park Service or Federal Government and they are not operated or governed by NPS or Federal Government . A local management entity implements the NHA program according to the directives set forth by the