The proposed management entity and units of government supporting the designation are willing to commit to working in partnership to develop the heritage area .
The proposed management entity , a wide range of partners , and the roles of each are outlined in Chapter 10 Long Term Management and Funding . Appendix B includes Letters of Support from many of these partners .
SCEC programs include a diversity of partner organizations and funding sources from local to federal . Partners currently engage in a broad range of projects and programs that align with educational , economic , community , recreation , and open space goals of the NHA . Several of SCEC ’ s existing partners are committed to and actively participate in assessing the feasibility of joining the National Heritage Area Program . These relationships will be carried forward into the NHA Management Entity .
Success for the NHA program over such a large region requires coordinated partnerships amongst all involved . Partners in NHA planning have expressed their commitment to continued collaboration with a broad range of stakeholder organizations to develop the heritage area ( see letters of support and endorsements in Appendix B ). Most projects will be undertaken by partner organizations with the Management Entity providing technical assistance , coordination , promotion , and grant funds for appropriate projects . The Management Entity will make decisions about and facilitate priority regional projects & programs . Units of government and organizations directly or indirectly supporting the designation will contribute through projects that fit their priorities and also advance NHA goals .