Dossiers A Better Life The Psionic Predator, by Charles Cosimano | Page 70
Practice this for about a week. It is pretty easy.
After you have been doing that for a while, repeat the exercise but hold your hands out
in front of you with the palms facing each other. You don't have to stretch your arms, in
fact you really do not want to stretch your arms because you do not want to be too
obvious when you do this in public.
Bring the energy down your arms into the palms of your hands and feel it forming a ball
in between them. Mold the ball as if you were making a snow ball, packing the energy
into the ball and commanding it to do your bidding with a simple phrase such as, "Go
kill that old fart." After you do that sort of just toss the ball in the direction of the target
and watch the fun.
Now start practicing doing this real fast, so that you can charge up, create the ball and
fire it off in a few seconds, less than a minute at most. When you can do that it is time
to take your skill out for a ride, quite literally.
I think that by now you realize that just about every time you get behind the wheel of
your car you have something happen that is just plain annoying, if not totally infuriating.
It can be anything from the damnable old lady driving ten miles under the speed limit in
the fast lane to the school bus stopping to pick up some little monsters every other
house when you are running late for work. Well, now you can do something about
The next time you find yourself dealing with one of these ever-present and never-to-be-
sufficiently-damned nuisances, wait until you are at a stop light and quickly charge up
and create a psi-ball. Program it to do something unpleasant to the target, like have
the school bus broadsided by a speeding gravel truck, and let fly. You may not actually
get to see the result, in fact most of the time you will not, but it will happen and when it
does if you are lucky it may be entertaining enough to make the evening news. There
are few things more satisfying to the soul than to turn on the television and see the
minivan of the soccer slut who delayed you turned into tangled wreckage with the
remains of her little bastards crushed inside.
It is things like that that make getting up in the morning worthwhile.
Now, you are not limited to psi-balls. You can use the amplifying pattern that I talked
about earlier for this as well.
Print it up a bit small, approximately 4" in diameter, and glue that to a piece of
cardboard. The cardboard is to keep it from getting wrinkled and torn and makes the
pattern much easier to work with.
Keep this on the seat beside you while you are driving. It is, after all, nothing more
than a pattern printed on paper and anyone seeing it may find it a bit puzzling but
nothing more.