Dossiers A Better Life Find your Guiding Angel | Page 5

THE HEALING GIFT: MEDITATING ON THE 72 NAMES OF GOD • First, sit in a comfortable chair with your palms up in a dark room in front of your computer. Then get into a meditative zone and quiet your mind, gently pushing out any extraneous thoughts. Begin to do slow rhythmic breathing and focus on your third eye...Think of this as a computer software program for the evolution of your soul. You are about to utilize a powerful code to access very specific energies for soul correction and transformation. Begin by studying the chart of the 72 Names of God to see what aspects of your life are in need of a spiritual boost. If you are spiritual attuned, you will automatically resonate with a particular name and meaning that your soul knows is for your highest good and needs immediate attending to. • A gFW"