Dossiers A Better Life Find your Guiding Angel | Page 119

This angel rules over emperors, kings, princes and all civilian and ecclesiastical dignitaries. He watches over all legitimate dynasties and over the stability of empires; he gives a long and peaceful reign to princes who have recourse to him, and protects all those who wish to remain in their employ. The person born under this influence will become famous through his writings and his eloquence; he will have a strong reputation among the wise, and will distinguish himself through his virtues and will merit the confidence of his prince. When meditating upon this name you will be able to focus your attention and meditate with total conviction and certainty upon the absolute demise of the angel of death, once and for all! The negative side of this angel rules over the ruin of empires; he causes revolutions and overthrows; he influences all those who unite for the overthrowing of monarchies to seize authority and preferred positions.