Dossiers A Better Life Find your Guiding Angel | Page 118
← Tav Yud Nun ←
25° To 30° Sagittarius - NITHAEL - Rejuvenation and Eternal Youth - IMMORTALITY TO
54 Nithael - To obtain the mercy of God and live long. Emperor, king, and prince.
Renowned for writings and eloquence, of great reputation among the learned.
54. Deus Rex coelestis (God the king of heaven); ( Nun Yod Tav ) - NuYoTa
Salms 103:19
pronouncing the 19th verse of Psalm 103: The Lord hath prepared his throne in the
heavens: and his kingdom ruleth over all
(Dominus in coelo paravit sedem suam: et regnum ipsius omnibus dominabitur. )
NuYoTaEL Nithael - To obtain the mercy of God and live long. Emperor, king, and
prince. Renowned for writings and eloquence, of great reputation among the learned.
Influence time and dates 17:41 - 18:00 15th December until the 19th December inclusively
NITHANAEL. His attribute is King of Heaven . He corresponds to the holy name of
Bora in the language of the Zaflanians. His ray commences from the 266th degree up to
the 270th degree inclusive, corresponding to the twenty seventh decade and to the angel
called Chenon. He rules over the following days: 12th May, 23rd, July, 3rd October, 14th
December, 24th February. The invocation is done from 5:40pm till 6:00pm exactly
He serves to obtain the mercy of God, and to obtain long life.