Dope Souf Magazine May 2016 | Page 29

Who were some of your biggest influences that are in the same field you are in?

Eminem, Machine Gun Kelly, Meek Mill, and everyone loves Biggie Smalls including me.

Compare yourself to some one that is more established, who would that be and why?

Id have to compare myslef to Eminem. Like I said ive lived in hell for years and walked out the other side stronger and more wise to things. Eminem had the same issues as me, getting delt a shit hand in life and having to live with it and try to better yourself off that same shit hand. It was hard but I am still bettering myself everyday

What made you want to get into the business?

I always used to write when I was young to try to deal with things than I found out one day I can rap what I write an I'm really good at doing it

What is the most difficult thing you have had to endure in life or in the industry?

I feel weird talking about this and not writing lyrics about it. But I'll keep it 100% with you. By the age of 16 I was a full blown addict, stealing, robbing and doing crazy shit just to get that next one. I overcame that drug and that addiction though.By the age of 18 I lost two of my boys to that same addiction and reality hit, Im going to either die or get killed to this disease. And like I said it was a shit hand I was delt but I walked out the other side alive and more wise to life.

Are there any questions that your were expecting that we didn't ask and want to answer?

Where do I see myself in 3 years?

I see myself performing on tours around the world and continuing to better myself and chasing my dreams