Dope Souf Magazine May 2016 | Page 28


What would you say has been the best or most memorable moment in your career so far?

My first show at The West End Lounge in NYC

What are you working on currently, and what are some of your upcoming projects?

I am in the studio almost everyday, if not it is everyday hahaha. I am currently being featured on numerous mixtapes.I am also working on my very own mixtape I am going to have hosted by DJ Skroog Mkduk. The mixtape I am working on will touch pretty much every aspect of my own personal life and im positive it will be relevant to other people who listen to it because I only write about my life and what Ive overcome so far and I only write and rap about real situations in our communities and issues ive delt with so I know more people have some of the same issues.

What's 5 things your fans don't know about you?

1) They call me Fat Bluntz because im chubby hahaha. The name also stuck with me in 7th grade after I realized I can roll HUGE, FAT BLUNTZ WITH MY EYES CLOSED AND A HAND BEHIND MY BACK hahahaha

2) I was in Juvee when my name was created. By my buddies Tyler, Dom and Jon V. They tagged "SAINT(Tylers name), KRAZY KID(Doms name), JONNY BLAZE(Jons old name), and FAT BLUNTZ. They tagged a ally way with those names and they stuck with us ever since.

3) I love every type of music besides country.

4) I never graduated from High school.

5) I raced motocross for a few years and I still am obsessed with dirt bikes and motorcycles to this day

What makes you more unique than other artists?

I write my own lyrics on every track I get on and will always continue to write my own lyrics for my tracks. I consider myself a survivor. Ive lived in hell for many years of my life and I still came out alive and walked out the other side. You will understand what I mean when you listen to my lyrics on my tracks. I just keep it real and 100%. I am who I am and im not scared to show anyone that.

What's one trait about yourself that you don't like?

My addictive personality. I mean it can ne good if I use it towards the right things like I have been. But also ive seen what that side of me can do to everything around me

Who's someone you would like to work with in the industry, and why?

I'd like to work with a few people in the industry but just to name a few I would love to work with Machine Gun Kelly because hes overcome some of the same obstacles I have in my life and hes got a real, unique and smooth flow. Also I'd love to work with Eminem because he has been my idol since I was about 9. Eminem also is very unique and smooth with his lyrics. He has also lived through that hell I was talking about before.