Closing words : What we MUST do to help with this exposure
Remember these are only suggested guidelines for directions people can take to help with the exposure of the Illuminati ’ s REM driven human cloning subculture . The suggestions mentioned in this appendix are NOT set guidelines and the only methods which we can do to help , and reach the point of the full exposure of the Illuminati ’ s REM driven human cloning subculture . Nonetheless these suggested guidelines do provide you with steps to take if you are currently unsure about what you can do to help expose the Illuminati ’ s REM driven human cloning subculture . We all have different talents and skills , and therefore , guidelines such as these listed in this appendix , may not be practical to you depending on your talents and skills . Therefore , as an example , if you are an artist , a musician , a part-time film producer etc ., then by all means draw , paint , write lyrics and sing songs about the Illuminati ’ s REM driven human cloning subculture . Remember to be as DIRECT as possibly when you are using your talents and skills to help with the exposure of this disclosure . Be ing as direct as possible will help others to understand the message you have to convey . There is no need for you to hint , or reveal this information concerning the Illuminati ’ s REM driven human cloning subculture in veiled messages , as you currently see famous people do ; be direct . Furthermore , if you are a part-time film producer or the person who has great video production and video editing skills ; then make short videos which address this topic , and your videos will be widely appreciated , shared and re-shared across many online platforms .
REMEMBER : every individual is unique and therefore whatever your individual talents are , use them in whatever way you feel is a positive helpful step towards the full exposure of the Illuminati ’ s REM driven cloning subculture . The message paraphrased from “ Conversations with Nostradamus Volume 3 ” ( Cannon 1994 , chapter 19 ) is very powerful , and therefore it is presented here as a closing message :
It is extremely sad if we realise how terrible a situation is and we [ as humanity ] are not doing anything except feeling bad about the situation , the hopelessness that we feel about the situation is compounded [ increased ]. If we look at these things as too big for us to do anything about [ such as looking at this information and thinking : ‘ what can “ I ” as one individual do to help expose the Illuminati ’ s REM driven human cloning subculture ? The problem is too big ’] that means we have literally given up . Nothing is accomplished without individual human effort , which coalesces into group effort , and then action truly takes place . To give up is the worst thing that can happen to our world . It is essential while we are alive to do whatever we feel is a positive helpful step . To actually do it . Whatever it is !
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