5 ) Share Donald Marshall ’ s Facebook posts on YOUR Facebook Timeline
Start slow , if you must . This is one of the phases towards feeling completely brave and comfortable in terms of helping to expose the Illuminati ’ s REM driven human cloning subculture .
This stage , whereby you must share Donald Marshall ’ s Facebook posts to YOUR Facebook Timeline , is where you will feel the most discomfort initially . Although at this stage you have told many of your close friends and family about the clandestine operation of the Illuminati and their REM driven human cloning subculture , it is understandable that you are not close to everyone on your Facebook friends list , and therefore , and naturally , you would not want acquaintances and people whom you have not spoken to for many years to think that you are ‘ weird ’, ‘ crazy ’, ‘ insane ’ etc . – and you will feel this discomfort again , whereby these thoughts of what others on your friends list will think of you will arise ; this is again based on the psychological phenomenon of “ social proof ” ( Cialdini 2007 ; Soules 2007 ; Hallen 2014 ).
Many people who are now actively and openly sharing Donald Marshall ’ s information went through this phase , and it is likely you will also go through this phase whereby thousands upon thousands of excuses run through your head as to why you cannot share Donald Marshall ’ s Facebook posts on YOUR Facebook Timeline , based on the psychological phenomenon of “ social proof ” ( Cialdini 2007 ; Soules 2007 ; Hallen 2014 ), whereby you will feel discomfort because you are worried about what people on your friends list may think . Many people actively and openly helping to divulge Donald Marshall ’ s information to the world have heard many of the above excuses given from others , as reasons as to why they cannot share Donald Marshall ’ s Facebook posts . HOWEVER , remember : it is the world which we live in that has become crazy through the advent of highly advanced technology used by a clandestine group of individuals calling themselves “ The Illuminati ”. This world is crazy – not you , and IF anything , you are smart for realising the craziness which is around you , at all times , and wanting to help humanity rectify this situation ; keep this perspective .
Furthermore , keep the following in mind : by sharing posts about human cloning , REM driven cloning etc . whether you are fully aware of this or not , you are helping to raise awareness among your audience , i . e . people on your friends list and people connected to you , and in the long run , you are helping humanity reach a point whereby humanity can relief itself of this terrible situation . Every little helps .
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