Donald Marshall. Illuminati Exposed. 6 | Page 189

Accordingly , when you have reached the stage whereby you are seeing the truth to Donald Marshall ’ s disclosures more clearly than ever , and how this information relates to the world you live in , start clicking “ Like ”, it will cause others to instinctively click “ Like ” too . Moreover , in general , people do not think about these things too consciously ; however this is exactly what happens because of the psychological phenomenon of “ social proof ” ( Cialdini 2007 ; Soules 2007 ; Hallen 2014 ). Consequently , click “ Like ” on Donald Marshall ’ s Facebook posts to show your support for this disclosure . It is a very small step , however it goes a long way in terms of lessening your fears , increasing your bravery , and supporting the exposure of the Illuminati ’ s REM driven human cloning subculture .
“ Like ” on Donald Marshall ’ s Facebook ‘ Greeting Posts ’
Most people know of the reason why Donald Marshall continues posts “ Good Morning ”, “ Good Afternoon ” and “ Good Evening ” on his Facebook Timeline . The simple reason why Donald Marshall has daily ‘ Greeting posts ’ on Facebook is because : the Illuminati can kill Donald Marshall at any second through the advent of REM driven human cloning technology . Therefore , the “ Good Morning ”, “ Good Afternoon ” and “ Good Evening ” Facebook posts are to let the public know that Donald Marshall is still alive despite the fact that Marshall still remains a prisoner and a victim of the Illuminati ’ s REM driven human cloning subculture , and this needs to change soon . Consequently , by clicking “ Like ” on these ‘ Greeting posts ’ made by Donald Marshall , you will be showing your support for every passing day Donald Marshall is alive , and continues to expose the Illuminati ’ s REM driven human cloning subculture .
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