Share Donald Marshall ’ s Summary Disclosure document with loved ones Link : https :// drive . google . com / file / d / 0B6uNZqRUN8ceOW1XNjg2bTg2Nms / view
Copy and paste the link above to your web browser or simply “ click ” ( press Ctrl + Click , on computer device ) the image above to be guided to Donald Marshall ’ s Summary Disclosure ( Marshall 2015a ). Donald Marshall ’ s Summary Disclosure document ( Marshall 2015a ) concerning the Illuminati ’ s REM driven cloning subculture is only 11 pages . The Summary Disclosure ( Marshall 2015a ) lets the reader know straight away that Donald Marshall is discussing REM driven human cloning , whereby people go to sleep and have their consciousness transferred to a substrate body ; a duplicate clone body ; Donald Marshall is NOT talking about human cloning from a baby stage upwards , and most importantly Donald Marshall is a natural born human . These aforementioned points are important , because people find confusion when first reading Donald Marshall ’ s original letter to the public , and do not research further , given the very serious implications and accusations made in the opening letter ( Donald Marshall Proboards 2012a ). Therefore , share Donald Marshall ’ s Summary Disclosure document ( Marshall 2015a ) with loved ones so that it will help to explain straight away : that in Donald Marshall ’ s original letter ( Donald Marshall Proboards 2012a ), Donald Marshall is discussing topics such as “ consciousness transfer ”, multiple duplicate clone bodies ; and most importantly : that all these experiences happen when Donald Marshall goes to sleep ( as a natural born human ). These are important distinctions which must be known .
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