Offer to answer any questions which others may have about this information
When you have reached a stage where you are sure you known the information regarding the main topics concerning the Illuminati ’ s REM driven human cloning subculture , you can also explain to your loved ones that you will answer any questions that they may have .
Warning : Some people are terrified by this information and do not want to know anymore . When your loved ones object to this information : LEAVE it , and move onto a different conversation topic . DO NOT force this information on anybody ; this information is scary . Nonetheless , the more curious among your loved ones will be inclined to know more about this information , and discover the truth pertaining to this information themselves . When informing a curious loved one who wishes to know more about this disclosure , make sure to answer all their questions and remember to show people who display an interest in this information how books , movies , songs , television programs , etc . relates to the world in which we live in , and how this further references the information concerning the Illuminati ’ s REM driven human cloning subculture . Moreover , remember to reference the fact that many famous people now use the word “ clone ” etc . on their social media accounts ( Twitter , Facebook , Instagram etc .) and are indirectly referencing this disclosure .
Information for your contacts who would like to know about this disclosure
Once you start informing loved ones about the Illuminati ’ s REM driven human cloning subculture ; with people who display interest in this information , it will also be helpful to show these people pages 47 – 51 in this document . Pages 47 – 51 in this document discusses “ The reality of human cloning ”, as well as , “ Initial factors which stifles peoples ’ ability to accept the reality of human cloning ”, by informing readers that the current environment which we live in makes it difficult to see the clandestine operation of human cloning ; the technological comparison which is incredibly advanced in contrast to what the public uses is also a factor which initially makes it difficult to realise the clandestine operation of human cloning ; and personal biases which will have to be put aside ; whereby this information must be reviewed objectively ; or else , it will difficult to realise the truth contained in this information ; which in actuality , the truths to this information are directly in front of their very face , and as a result , individuals will continue to be brainwashed if they cannot set aside their personal biases to review this information objectively . Direct your loved ones who become interested in this information to pages 47 - 51 in this document .
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