When you have reached this stage and you are somewhat convinced that there is some truth to narrative of the Illuminati ’ s REM driven human cloning subculture as presented by Donald Marshall , you will still be at a stage where you do not know with completely certainty the extent to which Donald Marshall ’ s information about the Illuminati ’ s REM driven human cloning subculture is relevant in relation to the world you are currently living in ; however , at this stage it is okay to have confidence in the fact that REM driven human cloning is a reality , and that governments are cloning human beings and have been cloning human beings for many decades .
This is the most critical stage that it is SUGGESTED that you inform ALL your close friends and family with regards to this information . There are several reasons why it is suggested you tell all your close friends and family members at this stage ; the reasons are because :
Braveness : Naturally , the more people you tell on a one to one level , the braver you will become in terms of helping with the exposure of the Illuminati ’ s REM driven cloning subculture . You will also learn the range of responses people give , when first being told about this information , when you inform many people on a one to one level . Moreover , you will become better at informing more people about this critical information as time and your experience regarding notifying others , about this critical information progresses .
Clear conscience : Most people feel a sense of responsibility once they have some level of confidence that the information relating to the Illuminati ’ s REM driven human cloning subculture has some truth to it , especially when people reach the stage when they have a level of confidence that REM driven human cloning is a reality . This is why it is important to tell your close friends and family at this stage because it will lessen any feelings of guilt you may feel from knowing this information is true , but staying silent . Remember : “ silence ” translates to “ consent ”, and once most people realise their silence equals their consent for this deplorable action against humanity to continue , people tend to feel braver and as a result gain a clearer conscience from voicing their disapproval of the Illuminati ’ s REM driven cloning subculture .
Comfort zone : Your comfort zone in terms of helping with the exposure of the Illuminati ’ s REM driven cloning subculture will grow when you take more positive actions to help with the disclosure of this information . Furthermore , with each new action you take , you will feel discomfort ; you will even feel discomfort with something as simple as clicking “ Like ” on one Donald Marshall ’ s Facebook post , the first time you decide to do this . The discomfort which happens , results from going against the current trend of what has been socially acceptable for decades ; you will be confirming that yes , human cloning is reality , with each new action you take in terms of helping with this disclosure , and that is what part of the discomfort is about . However , taking positive actions and steps with helping to expose the Illuminati causes you to become braver , and further expands your comfort zone with each action you take , and as time and your experience with helping this disclosure progresses , you become more comfortable in supporting this cause . Remember : you are supporting humanity ; that is all you are doing .
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