Read Donald Marshall ’ s Proboards Forum ( Donald Marshall Proboards 2012b ) Link : http :// donaldmarshall . proboards . com / board / 1 / general-board
After following the above guidelines , whereby you have followed the above steps , and you have now reached the point where you have finished watching Donald Marshall ’ s interview with Vincent Eastwood ( 2013 ); if you now have many unanswered questions about human cloning , REM driven human cloning , and you currently have an insatiable need to know which famous people have been to the cloning centers as REM driven human clone versions of themselves and what Donald Marshall has seen famous people do at the cloning center ( in western Canada ) as REM driven human clone versions , then seek Proboards ( Donald Marshall Proboards 2012b ).
It is only human nature to want to know about other human beings . Donald Marshall ’ s Proboards Forum provides a “ Search ” function which allows you to find exactly what some of the world ’ s most famous people have done as REM driven human clone versions of themselves , at the cloning center . After searching for a specific person , use the keyboard function “ Ctrl + F ” ( control and find ); type the person ’ s name into the search panel which will be displayed once you press “ Ctrl + F ”; – this will then highlight where the person ’ s name is mentioned in the thread , you can use the “ up ” and “ down ” ( or “ previous ” / “ next ”) to navigate to the exact location the famous person ’ s name is mentioned .
Watch the remaining Donald Marshall interviews listed in this document
After you are finished reading Donald Marshall ’ s Proboards Forum ( Donald Marshall Proboards 2012b ), and you have researched all the questions you wanted answers to initially , and you have read about many of the famous people which primarily piqued your interest , as well as , what these famous people have done as REM driven clone versions of themselves at the cloning center ( s ); it is now time to watch the remaining Donald Marshall interviews listed in this document on pages 170 - 172 . Watch the other interviews at this stage for consistency with regards to the information being presented ; also make note of any new information presented in further interviews .
2 ) Tell your close friends and family about this information
Once you have done all the above and have reached this stage ; this is the stage whereby provided you have taken reasonable steps to avoid believing fallacies as truth , or falling into delusions , and your conclusions regarding the information concerning the Illuminati ’ s REM driven human cloning subculture , can be based on , and argued from a standpoint of objectivity , this is the point where most people are usually convinced there is some truth to the information of the Illuminati ’ s REM driven human cloning subculture as presented by Donald Marshall , because at this point , a person has found many , many corroborative evidence in favour of Donald Marshall ’ s claims for the information concerning to Illuminati ’ s REM driven human cloning subculture to be substantiated beyond the point of ‘ mere coincidence ’.
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