Appendices Appendix A : Steps YOU can take to help expose the Illuminati
Useful guidelines for understanding this disclosure
) Know the information :
We are dealing with very complex topics involving advanced science and technology which is hidden from the majority of the world , underground , and in deep underground military bases . Without building a foundation and a thorough understanding with the regards to the topics relating to the Illuminati ’ s REM driven human cloning subculture , you will not be able to help or understand what you are fully helping with so far as this cause is concerned , if you do not have a thorough understanding of the main topics in relation to the Illuminati ’ s REM driven human cloning subculture . This is why , as a first step , it is fundamental to know and understand the information . Moreover your mind will need the time to adjust to the gravity of the situation humanity faces , which is counter to the conditioning , brainwashing and dripfeed disclosure information currently distributed publicly on a daily basis .
Listen to Donald Marshall ’ s opening letter about the Illuminati
Listen to Donald Marshall ’ s letter on YouTube ( Astral 7ight 2014c ) or read Donald Marshall ’ s original and open letter to the public ( Donald Marshall Proboards 2012a ) if you have not done this .
Link : https :// www . youtube . com / watch ? v = td1Gc2Dv4xI ( Astral 7ight 2014c ) Running time : 23 minutes ( 23 minutes , 21 seconds ) 178 | P a g e