Donald Marshall. Illuminati Exposed. 6 | Page 177

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Stop Human Cloning ( Change Org 2016 ) https :// www . change . org / p / stop-human-cloning-by-sharisse-franklin
Sign this petition to help raise further awareness against the clandestine practice of human cloning , and REM driven human cloning . With your signature you will be helping to save many victims as a result of your stance against the covert practice of human cloning , and REM driven human cloning . By signing this petition you will also be voicing that you are AGAINST the kidnapping , rape , torture , molestation and sex slavery of innocent children by a clandestine group of individuals who refer to themselves as “ The Illuminati ”, and with your signature you will raise further awareness for others to take a similar stance .
End Human Cloning . REM Driven Human Cloning . ( The Petition Site 2016 ) http :// www . thepetitionsite . com / en-gb / 952 / 622 / 178 / end-human-cloning . -rem-driven-human-cloning ./
Find Donald Marshall and learn more about human cloning and REM driven human cloning . On the petition website , you will be met with the first image above to your right ( on this page ); “ click ” anywhere on the image and you will be presented with Mr . Donald Marshall ’ s interview with Vincent Eastwood ( the second image displayed below here ). Watch Mr . Donald Marshall ' s interview ( if you haven ’ t already done so ) which discusses the widespread nature of ( REM driven ) human cloning , and how such highly advanced technologies are used against the populace unsuspectingly . You can sign this petition “ anonymously ”, as well as , leave comments “ anonymously ”. “ Share ”, “ Tweet ” and “ Email ” this petition to others , in order to raise further public awareness about a clandestine CURRENT practice which affects all our livelihoods : The Illuminati ’ s REM driven human cloning subculture .
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